The Protein Biophysics and Structural Biology Core (PBSBC) in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics (DPB) is a cutting-edge facility offering a range of biophysical instrumentation, including Biacore T200, SEC-MALS, ITC, MST, and CD. Users have the option for either sample drop-off or hands-on training on all biophysical instruments. Additionally, we provide equipment for protein purification using the AKTA Pure 25, along with crystallization technologies like the Mosquito and Rockimager robots. PBSBC operates as an open, shared-use facility, providing training, technical support, and expertise to all users.
Please email or call at 216-3688962 for available time and services.
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Instrument rooms: Robbins Bldg. E603, E549, E540, E530
Main office: Robbins Bldg. E549